On October 26, 2009 I made it to the gym a 5:14a.m. I did 30 minutes of cardio and a full interior workout which included chest, triceps, and shoulders. It was a great workout. On my way to the car I thought how fun it would be to have people I know and come in contact with also plan to get in shape and improve on their health. Let’s keep it real. This would be a great time to get in shape because the holidays are just around the corner. To the extent one could decrease enough weight prior to the holidays it would enable an increased level of really enjoying all of the nice eating during the holiday.
As I thought more about my fitness effort I decided to consider not only improving the health of my body, but also include an approach on improving the mind and soul. So I decided to create a fun little game for anyone who wants to participate. So if you are reading this blog, perhaps you will consider joining me in a game of “The 31 Days until Thanksgiving FULL FITNESS FLIGHT!”
HOW TO PLAY “The 31 Days until Thanksgiving FULL FITNESS FLIGHT!”: If you don't exercise, please start doing some type of exercise each day. Try to do few sit-ups, push-ups or take a 20 to 30 minute walk. But only do what you know you are capable of doing. If you do exercise, take your efforts to highest level you can. Exercise more during “The 31 Days until Thanksgiving FULL FITNESS FLIGHT!”
If you don't read a lot, pick up your bible or some type of inspiration book or novel and read a page or a chapter a day. If you are a heavy reader, finish the book or journal you are in and try to complete 2 to 3 extra readings. Read more during “The Days until Thanksgiving FULL FITNESS FLIGHT!”
If you don't write much, pick up a pen and pad and jot down a positive thought each day that may inspire you and lift up others. If you write a lot, kick out a few extra notes of encouragement to people you know, and drop a few positive blogs out to your online connections. Write more during “The 31 Days until Thanksgiving FULL FITNESS FLIGHT!”
If you don't pray often, try to set aside a special time even if it’s just 3 minutes to pray for someone and yourself. You may even consider every time you are driving or riding in the car, or riding on a bus. Say a pray while you are going and while you are coming. If you do pray a lot, continue praying and add a few more minutes to every prayer you pray daily. Consider getting the list of names and addresses of the people on your street or in your apartment building or your church directory or even the public phone book and pray a personal prayer by name for a few families each day. Pray more during “The 31 Days until Thanksgiving FULL FITNESS FLIGHT!”
I am interested in hear how well you do or if you struggled along the way so please feel free to share with me how you are progressing during your flight. You can write me on Face-book, follow me on twitter at http://twitter.com/DNALeadership, or share your flight update on my website guest page at www.dnalcg.com Go ahead now! Set your goal and get ready for take-off! And after you land from your “The 31 Days until Thanksgiving FULL FITNESS FLIGHT!” be sure to GIVE THANKS for reaching your goal or at least doing more to improve your mind, body and soul!